Kalia Garrido

Kalia Garrido

Denver, CO
Kalia Garrido founded HWL in 2017. She is a passionate inspirer of women leaders and champion for healthy living. She is a life-long fitness fan who strives to bring mindfulness into everyday life.
Ashley DePaulis

Ashley DePaulis

Ashley is a trauma and movement specialist who focuses on women's vitality. She helps high performing women transform their physical and emotional trauma so that they can reclaim their body, restore balance, and attune to their power.

Belinda Ngassa

Belinda Ngassa

Belinda is a French-born, London-bred, world-travelling, nomadic-living, transformational coach, lifestyle innovator & entrepreneur. Her passion is about living this life wholly, leaving nothing on the field and helping others do the same!

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

In light of the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor (and so many more before them), our society is now at an inflection point that cannot, and should not, be denied. Healthy Women Leaders stands for 100% equality for Black people everywhere.



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