As I was writing down my goals for 2018 earlier this year - some of which include substantially downsizing my things - I wrote the phrase “get rid of (or sell) my belongings” and it occurred to me what a weighty word ‘belongings’ is.
As I was writing down my goals for 2018 earlier this year - some of which include substantially downsizing my things - I wrote the phrase “get rid of (or sell) my belongings” and it occurred to me what a weighty word ‘belongings’ is.
I'm not proud of it now, but I used to the Queen of the Rush. Not the good rush of goose bumps you get when you experience something awesome. Exactly the opposite, in fact. The rush through daily tasks. The rush through life.
Amid this new push for women to step into their power, there is still an elephant in the room: a shocking number of women feel confined or restricted by their lack of financial prowess.
The excitement of setting new goals is quickly tempered by the bland comfort of routine - especially if those routines are not healthy. 80% of new goals end in failure. People get stuck.
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