Black Lives Matter
In light of the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor (and so many more before them), our society is now at an inflection point that cannot, and should not, be denied. Healthy Women Leaders stands for 100% equality for Black people everywhere.
In light of the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor (and so many more before them), our society is now at an inflection point that cannot, and should not, be denied. Before any social posting or usual content sharing can go on, I feel compelled to express that Healthy Women Leaders stands for 100% equality for Black people everywhere. We stand for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Based on generations of systematic racism and all of its horrible and long-reaching effects, it is necessary for as many people as possible to stand up, to use their voice, and to relay the outrage that I believe is undeniable when we see our fellow human beings suffering in such a myriad of ways because of the color of their skin.
Peaceful protests are a powerful step in the right direction. Standing in solidarity - even/especially when it has not affected you personally - is another. Highlighting and being patrons of Black-owned businesses is another step towards trying to reverse some of the ill effects of systematic racism.
One of the core tenants at HWL is to help amplify the voice (and businesses) of women in leadership and entrepreneurship who have unlocked some truth or power in healthy living. We are dedicating this post to amplifying the amazing Black women who have previously shared their expertise on the HWL platform. Please support their businesses, follow them on social media and share with friends.

In full transparency, diversity among our contributors is something that we have been actively working on for the last year. It is my goal that we highlight women of every race and background in equal parts and I know we can get better at this. If you are, or know of, a Black or minority woman who is an expert in some facet of health, wellness or whole living, please reach out to us at hello@healthywomenleaders.com to discuss ways that we can collaborate.
If you are White, as I know much of our audience is, here is a comprehensive list of resources that will give you direction on what you can do now to get better educated, to help educate your children, and to become a stronger ally by learning more about the radically different experience that so many of our fellow Americans live each day.
Now is the time to stand up against racial injustice. As Maya Angelou so beautifully states: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." We know better, we can do better.
Black Lives Matter.
In solidarity,
Kalia Garrido