New Year, Mini Resolutions, New HWL Things To Come
I’ve got a quick story to share, if you’ll indulge me? A friend and I were talking over a drink a couple days ago. We chatted about the end of 2022 and how the year had gone. This friend has had a tough year and often talks about starting an exercise routine or taking more time for herself.
I’ve got a quick story to share, if you’ll indulge me?
A friend and I were talking over a drink a couple days ago.
We chatted about the end of 2022 and how the year had gone. This friend has had a tough year and often talks about starting an exercise routine or taking more time for herself. I asked about resolutions. She explained she didn’t like making resolutions because she doesn’t want to commit to something she might not be able to complete. I understand that and greatly agree.
Our words are very important, both what we say to ourselves and what we say to others. In the wonderful book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, the first agreement is to be Impeccable with your Words. Speak with integrity and say only what you mean. Resolutions are laser beams of intention going out into the Universe, and if you are already unsure about committing, it’s a good idea to make adjustments so that it's obtainable.You certainly don’t want to set the pace for the New Year with regret and disappointment.
I suggested that instead of resolving to do something for the full year, she do something for the month of January alone, say x3 workouts a week. That’s just 12 workouts, but she’d be fully committed to doing them.
Being a self-care queen and personal development fan girl, I whipped out a Whole Life Health Assessment (yes, I keep these on hand) and suggested she complete one now to see where she currently stands. Then take another assessment at the end of the month to see where she ranks after those 12 workouts. From there she can let the numbers decide if she continues working out. If she’s ranked up it indicates growth and progress in some key areas of life and she’s got the proof she needs to stick with it. If she hasn’t ranked up that’s fine too, as she’s off the workout hook and didn’t break her resolution.
If this resonates with you I welcome you to take the Whole Life Health Assessment and structure your own resolutions in a similar way. I would love to hear how it goes!
HWL Updates //
2023 is here and I am personally looking forward to an amazing year full of new experiences and deep connections.
- HWL is getting a fancy new website (you are looking at it!) and I am working on a book (eeeek!). Stay tuned for more information on both of these exciting topics in the months to come.
- Our “Unlock Interviews” video series is ramping up and will take center stage in 2023. Follow HWL on YouTube to see the new videos as they are released. If you are someone (or know someone) who would be a good candidate for an interview please reach out at hello@healthywomenleaders.com.
- Our social conversations will be moving from Facebook to our new LinkedIn group. The reason is twofold: 1. I’m falling out of love with FB and don’t want to spend much more time on there. 2. Much of what we discuss affects professional/career-driven women, and I’d like to meet my compadres where they are.
Thank you for being along on this journey. I am deeply moved and very grateful for each of the amazing women this organization has given me the opportunity to know.
Happy New Year!