Hey, new friend. Looks like we met at the Women of the Channel Leadership Summit East 2022. Man do I love a WOTC event! Read on for resources and more information about what we can do together next.
Hey, new friend. Looks like we met at the Women of the Channel Leadership Summit East 2022. Man do I love a WOTC event! Read on for resources and more information about what we can do together next.
You were at the WOTC Summit? I was at the WOTC Leadership Summit! What a divine coincidence. Let's be buds :) Read on for resources and more information about what we can do together next.
In light of the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor (and so many more before them), our society is now at an inflection point that cannot, and should not, be denied. Healthy Women Leaders stands for 100% equality for Black people everywhere.
Unlike our generation’s biggest challenges of the past, including 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis, COVID-19 has required us to look in the mirror and evaluate the strength and resilience of our own bodies.
By signing up for the Healthy Women Leaders mailing list you will receive inspirational resources, be the first to hear about events, and loosely commit to start prioritizing your own well-being as a critical measure to thriving in a crazy world.